okay...i am convinced that my husband has the weirdest dreams ever! i swear, you never truly know everything about your other half until you live together. i was sure that there weren't any "deal breakers" for me when we got married. little did i know that jeramy does and says the CRAZIEST things in his sleep. sleeping in the same bed as him is truly an experience! gosh...i love being married to him. hilarious moments when you least expect them! here are a few of the good ones (and the ones i can actually blog about) ha ha!
this happened while we were dating/engaged. jeramy fell asleep on the couch during a movie:
jeramy: "tracee" (in a frustrated voice)
tracee: "what?"
jeramy: "you didn't put your shoes away"
tracee: "what?"
jeramy: "your shoes....you didn't put them away!"
tracee: "what shoes?"
jeramy: "your barkley's...you didn't put them away."
tracee: "my barkley's?...as in Charles Barkley?"
jeramy: "YES...your barkley's!"
tracee: "are those like basketball shoes?"
jeramy: "yes...your WNBA weapons...you didn't put them away!
**at this point, i had nothing to say...because i couldn't speak! i was laughing so hard!!! I woke jeramy up and we laughed...a lot!!!!!!
shortly after getting married (middle of the night)
jeramy: "tracee" (in a super urgent voice)
tracee: "what?" (thinking something is wrong or happening in our house)
jeramy: "did you lick the paint?"
tracee: "what?"
jeramy: "the paint...did you lick it"
tracee: "no babe...i didn't lick the paint"
**jeramy begins to explain to me that he knew what he was saying and knew it didn't make sense. he talked that out all by himself while i just listened. oh yes...he was still asleep. note to self...people don't present a really good argument to defend themselves while they are still sleeping.
shortly after getting married (middle of the night)
I awaken to jeramy leaping across the bed (i'm sleeping on my stomach). before i know it, he is completely on top of me as if to shield me from something. you can imagine how FREAKED OUT i was to wake up to that! when i asked him what he was doing he proceeded to tell me "you're going to be okay. you're going to be okay". over and over and over again.
~I am now beginning to realize that i am taking after him. the other night, i kept tapping him on the forehead, trying to convince him that i was certain someone was trying to break into our house...how much worse is this going to get? we've only been married for 2 months! :) ha ha!